Living as Light

Mullein Leaf as a Natural Remedy

So below is my mom, she has been out planting flowers, watering new trees, and her allergies have been a wreck!!! Everything is finally starting to bloom and it’s warmer which makes us want to go outside, even in the wind and blowing dirt. All of this is a perfect culmination to bring on allergies, asthma attacks, and any respiratory issues you struggle with.

She might kill me for posting this! Ha!!

I had an idea of trying my Mullein Leaf tincture in my daughters breathing machine for my mom and she agreed to be a guinea pig (lol). I mean why not, though?!! You are directly breathing in the medicine into your lungs. You can smoke Mullein Leaf (and they used it that way in the “olden days’) but why not try something easier on the lungs and throat area. I’m going to have her continue to do breathing treatments to see how it helps! She did have a really good cough when she started it and seemed to breath smoother after.

What is Mullein Leaf used for???

  • cough
  • congestion
  • bronchitis
  • asthma
  • constipation
  • pain
  • inflammation
  • migraines
  • sleep
  • gout
  • eczema
  • earaches
  • respiratory issues

How does it help?

Mullein Leaf has the following active compounds:

saponins- anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, and antitumor properties

flavonoids-antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

phenylethanoids-anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antioxidant

iridoids- anti-inflammatory

It also is antiviral and antibacterial.

How can I use the tincture?

You can use it above as shown by putting the tincture in a breathing treatment. You can also use it simply by putting a dropper full (up to 3) under the tongue or putting it in 2oz. of water and drinking it daily. I also recommend listening to your body and consulting your doctor if you’re concerned about mixing it with other medications.

Below is the direct link for the Mullein Leaf Tincture!!! I also have a Breathe Salve. The salve could be used on the chest for coughing, behind the ears rubbing down the lymph nodes for earaches, or for eczema. Hope you enjoyed learning a little and if you have any questions feel free to ask away!

For purchase:

Happy day,


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